
Slashdot quotes

Postby Alex on 06 07 2006 10:05

gesehen bei slashdot - Mysterious Website Actually Social Experiment - artikel über eine site die 6 monate lang einen countdown runterzählte mit wenig info dazu. im endeffekt meinte der site-betreiber es war nur ein experiment um rauszufinden wie leute darauf reagieren.

- FhnuZoag (875558)

And why should we believe him?

Oh, just an experiment, he says. But how do we know? HOW DO WE KNOW?!?

Please, arrest him quickly and torture him so that we may learn the true horror of his plot.

- mpcooke3 (306161)

If he lived in the UK wed have already accidentily shot him.

You americans have such slack security.

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Postby Alex on 08 07 2006 13:05

- NoMaster (142776)

I was about 5 or 6 when I asked my father (an electrician) what he meant by "male" & "female" connectors.

I was so scarred by his explanation that Im now 39 and still posting on Slashdot...
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Postby Jan on 11 07 2006 08:57

ist zwar von bash (bash.org) aber es beweist, daß uns die russen wegen mir nicht überrannt haben... naja, um ehrlich zu sein ist es wenig schmeichelhaft (hervorhebung von mir) :

I just watched a PSA video of how to save ourselves from atomic bombs in the `40s.

And I realized: "Oh, shit, we`re at risk."

And then I watched a video of the Brady kids and I was too happy to care.

Conclusion: The Ruskies used the Brady kids to distract us.

Reason for Failure: The Bradys lacked musical talent and Jan was an emo bitch.
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